Thursday, February 19, 2009

Explaining my terrible blog title

So tonight I bit the bullet and created a blog and a Twitter account. I am one of the many who thinks Twitter is one of the most ridiculous ideas to come out of Web 2.0 (and please stop using that term, everyone...) But, I keep seeing post after post where people say "Yes, Twitter sounds like the worst idea ever, but it's amazing." We'll see.

Anyway, to explain away my blog title. First, I had to make my blog URL "fuzzymazoid" because every other name under the sun is taken. This is the exact same problem AIM had back in the day, and I can't imagine how bad it is by now. (And yes, my name back when I actually used AIM was also fuzzymazoid, for the exact same reason.) I remember getting Cody on AIM after years of resistance. He originally started with "PartyMoose", paying homage to the stuffed animal moose that made its home in our dormroom. You wouldn't think PartyMoose would be a common term, but alas, it was taken. He then tried "TheRealPartyMoose", somewhat akin to "The Real Ghostbusters" which was way, way better than "Ghostbusters." As expected, someone had taken TheRealPartyMoose. We thought this was a little ridiculous.

PartyOx. There's no such thing as a party ox, and it sounds stupid, so that will work. It would have worked, but it was taken. Last resort? TheRealPartyOx.

I bet someone will be writing a similar blog post someday, except they will be disappointed that TheRealPartyOx is taken (by Cody... who has probably not logged in since 2003). They'll have to go with the less socially adept animals, like PartyMongoose and PartySloth.

Anyway, that brings me to my blog's title, which is terrible. (For someday when I change it, the current title is "What about the fuzz, boss?") It's the only thing I could think of with part of "fuzzymazoid" in it other than Hot Fuzz.

"What about the fuzz, boss?" is a line, also, oddly enough (and I didn't even think about this cool tie-in when I started writing this... seriously) by Cody from way back in early high school in the classic Dave Ellison film, Rico and Suave. It was long before we bothered writing scripts for our movies before filming. Each scene started with "Ok, so you guys are going to have to talk about meeting at the docks and how you're going to kill the good guys, and then you walk out the door." This led to some pretty compelling dialog, such as...

Bad guy boss (me): There's a big coke deal going down tonight.

Henchman (Cody, complete with Elvis glasses and giant sideburns): What about the fuzz, boss?

Boss: WHAT ABOUT THE FUZZ!? [hardest slap ever, complete with punch sound effect #15 from Street Fighter 2]

Henchman: Sorry boss.

Boss: I've got the idea... I MAKE THE GOOD IDEAS. [hoping Cody's adlib does not cause him to ask me about this good idea]

Someday, someday I'll get all those old movies copied to my computer. Then I'll have video clips of the classics on here instead of typing transcripts of terrible lines we made up 13 years ago.

Not sure why I think that's better.

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