Monday, March 2, 2009

Things of Which There Are Only One (part one of one billion)

Welcome to the first edition of "Things of Which There Are Only One". Often times when walking around, I say, "Never seen that before" or "that isn't safe". In either case, I quickly pass judgment, take a picture, and restrain myself from offering helpful advice. Please note that I do absolutely no research on whether the object is actually the only one of its kind. If I haven't seen it before or at least don't remember, that's good enough for me.

In this first edition, I present a photo I took in Boulder several months ago. To set the stage for those of you more familiar with Texas, I often say Boulder is Austin with no sense of reality. Yes, it's full of real hippies and former hippies and wannabe hippies. But after going to church there for almost a year, I have made quite a few Boulderite friends --- even some who think eating meat means someone killed an animal. And while I'm happy sharing opposite viewpoints with many of them, I still don't get cyclists. (For those of you who don't know my true feelings on the disease of Cyclism, I'll have to one day repost the now infamous article.)

But what I don't understand about cycling, I really don't understand about taking your tiny kids along for the ride.
Introducing the kid trailer! For the enterprising environmentalist with small children and muscle to spare, you can now treat your kids to the thrill of being slowly dragged in a tent!

I thought these units just meandered all over Boulder full of children who look... confused. That is, until I saw this particular bike trailer:
Yes, that would be a very expensive bike trailer built for hauling children being used to transport a propane tank. I still have so many questions. And I expect, so long as I look, I'll never see this again... hence the series.

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